Are You Ready to Pivot?

The Pivot Plan Intensive Workshop image on laptop screen

Join me on Tuesday September 27th @ 7:00 PM EST
for a live intensive workshop to help women develop a vision for their next phase and create an action plan to make their pivot now!


ONLY $47

You have a good life, but things are changing...

  • Your kids are off to college, you're reevaluating your business, you're experiencing relationship changes, or you're considering a career change
  • The things that have consumed your hours, thoughts, and energy are no longer the focus of your daily life
  • You're not sure what's next and you feel a little adrift, with no place to focus your passion, ambition, and energy
  • You know you want something... different for your next phase - something more meaningful - but your don't know what or exactly how to get there

The transitions you're facing are shifting your priorities and leaving you wondering ...what's next?

You've probably spent the last few decades keeping your head down and hustling – caring for your family, working yourself ragged, pouring your whole self into others.

Now, everything is shifting and you realize that this next phase of your life is going to look different either way – you might as well make it everything you've ever dreamed of, right?!

You want LESS:

  • Hustle & busyness
  • Stress & being tired
  • Feeling motivated by obligation, expectation, and guilt
  • Putting others' needs above your own

You want MORE:

  • Fulfillment, purpose & meaning
  • Peace
  • Joy
  • Adventure
  • Financial flexibility
  • Excitement about your own life


The Pivot Plan

Intensive Workshop

A live intensive workshop to help women develop a vision for their next phase and create an action plan to make their pivot now!

ONLY $47

Here's the thing about life: it changes.

There's no avoiding it. (This time in our lives as women is even sometimes called THE CHANGE. *insert major eye roll here*)

But you don't have to be a victim of that change and fade into the background like society tells us to!

It's simple: you need hope, a vision, and a plan.

Once you have hope in your future, a vision for what you truly want, and a step-by-step plan to get there, pivoting becomes simple.

While it's that simple, those things aren't easy. We're fighting against the conditioning of our society that tells us women over 40 are past their prime, too old to start over, and unneeded.

That conditioning drills down into our minds and eats away any hope for what our future could look like after the candles are blown out on that birthday, our kids are off living their independent lives, and all the younger people are getting promoted ahead of us.

That bullshit is exactly what I help my client break through so they can get a glimpse of the possibilities that await them if they just say F*CK IT to all those lies and expectations.

Kathy Wilson is a phenomenal coach. But make no mistake - Kathy doesn't "coach" you, she SEES you. Sees where you are, where you can go… and she sees past all the reasons you believe you can’t get there. Her authentic leadership will give you the confidence to go farther than you ever imagined you could. I’ve never seen any other coach blend powerful strategies with warmth & empathy as beautifully as Kathy does, and I’m honored to have had the opportunity to work with her.

— Amanda Buse
Owner, Amanda Buse, LLC

Ready to pivot so you can live the next phase of your life feeling fulfilled and free?

I've got you.

I'm ready to pivot!

What's next? 


Grab your ticket for the live intensive workshop .


Check your email for the confirmation. This will include the Zoom link and workbook you’ll need for the workshop.


Show up live on Tuesday September 27th @ &PM EST for the 90-minute workshop, leave with your pivot plan.


Pivot. Kick ass. Live your best life.

Maybe you can’t even imagine what could be next for you if you make a pivot, or maybe your imagination is like a muscle you haven’t used in a while – weak and shaky.

That’s what this workshop is for! I will be your spotter and cheerleader as you work your imagination and build your vision for your next phase.

We’re going to do this in two parts:


We’re going to get clear on what parts of your life you want to shift in the dust of your recent transition.

We’re going to walk through this life audit together and have some discussion, so come prepared to get real honest with yourself and the other kick-ass women who are showing up for themselves.


We’re going to identify what exactly you want to change, using that imagination that is getting stronger by the minute.

Then bridge the gap between your current life and the one you’re starting to imagine for yourself by creating a plan with specific steps to help you make your pivot now.

Coach Kathy is an amazing coach and I have been proud to have her coach many clients of mine over the years after several years of coaching me.  She consistently adds value throughout the process with highly practical tools and advice.  Her mix of business, achievement, and life experience make her the perfect person to see people through to the other side when they are feeling most STUCK.  Her particular focus on women makes everything feel super relevant as she clearly understands the journey that many of us have taken, and want to take. I would highly recommend her, but only if you’re ready to tackle the barriers and move forward in your life!

— Deb Cullerton
Co-Owner Priority Management & Associates, Philadelphia

The Pivot Plan

Intensive Workshop

Tuesday September 27th @ 7:00 PM EST

A live intensive workshop to help women over 40 develop a vision for their next phase and create an action plan to make their pivot now


ONLY $47

The principles I’m teaching in this live intensive workshop have helped my clients to build confidence and find purpose in their new phase, which has led them to:

  • 🔥 Leave toxic relationships
  • 🔥 Start or scale their business
  • 🔥 Make huge career shifts
  • 🔥 Double or triple their income (even during COVID)

After working with Coach Kathy even for a few months, I notice a drastic difference. I am more confident in myself (personally and professionally), and my goals for my work, myself, and my family.  I feel more confident and stronger in the decisions I make. I spend MUCH less time and energy overthinking, overanalyzing and second guessing myself and my decisions. It’s freeing. It’s energizing. It’s amazing. I show up differently for myself. I show up differently for my family. And I show up differently in my business!

— Kristen Ireland
Co-Founder People Spark Consulting


Hey ladies, I’m Coach Kathy! I’ve held the Coach title for as long as I can remember. Even before I started my business, I’ve been the person others come to for advice. My experiences as a collegiate and professional basketball player and coach solidified my calling, and my professional experience as a change strategist gave me the knowledge and tools to create science-based programs to help women kick ass in every area of their lives.

My mission is to help women over 40 shake off the bullshit lies society tells us and pivot to create a more fulfilling, purposeful, meaningful, and amazing next version of their lives.

I have helped many women pivot after a life transition and leave behind the hustle, guilt, and obligation for peace, purpose, and freedom so they can show up authentically and fully for themselves and others in the new phase of their life.